“Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Donations to support our church work are gratefully accepted and can be made through our PAR program, by Interac e-transfer or by credit card/PayPal. Thank you.
For monthly regular givings, we offer the PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) program. Many members already enjoy using PAR for a variety of reasons:
- It is easy and convenient
- Like our bills, it is consistent
- It helps keep us on budget throughout the year
- It is responsible stewardship
Even when we are away, PAR offerings provide a dependable flow of contributions, which increases our overall financial stability. PAR enrollment forms are available for download HERE or just outside the church office. To make any changes to your current PAR contributions please leave a note for the office or send us an email.
You can give by sending an Interac e-transfer to donate@standrewsnewmarket.org
- It is configured with auto-deposit, so you do not need to use a security question
- We will never email you from this address
You can give by using your credit card or PayPal, by clicking HERE
Thank you for your stewardship.